Raffles Agri Land Malaysia (https://www.rafflesagriland.my) ❤️【For Sale】Johor Prawn Farm, with freehold land ❤️【Asking Price】SGD1m cash + 80% financing @ 2% interest
💙1️⃣ Suitable for【Restaurants / F&B business owners】as part of your F&B business upstream supply of fish and prawn !! 💙2️⃣ Suitable for【Young Entrepreneurs / SME Bosses / Private Investors】huge future capital gains on Johor land, due to the latest Singapore Johor Special Economic Zone, not to mention that you will have a profitable prawn farm on the land. 💙3️⃣ Suitable for【Public Listed Companies】with low market cap, or loss making, or wishing to diversify with new acquisition but lack of cash, as payment can be made by way of issuance of Listed Co's shares !!
❤️❤️【IPO Potential】If you acquire >5 farms, we can guide you to prepare for SGX IPO in the future! ❤️❤️【新加坡证券交易所的上市资格】如果购买5个或以上的养虾场,我们将辅导您向新交所申请IPO上市!
------------------------------------------------ ✅ After acquisition, you will be trained to operate the prawn farm OR you can outsource its operation to our Farm Management Company ------------------------------------------------